He's given me an award. Moi! An award! I'm feeling so Sally Fieldish right now! This is the best thing ever since my marching band trophy in seventh grade!
So here's where the attached strings start getting frayed.
First of all, let me say that DC Urban Dad is one rocking father. I am a daughter. I have a father. I can speak firsthand to the importance of a strong father/daughter bond. I can speak from the perspective of a woman who was never a daddy's little girl. You see, I missed out on the magic of father/daughter bonding. It's a post in and of itself that I won't get into now. But I can see in the tone and heartfelt melting of DC Urban Dad's writing and heart that he cherishes his little girl. She is one lucky kid. She will be destined for greatness simply because she will be known she is loved. For that I applaud him, honor him, and toast him. So go take a gander and see for yourself. He's unapologetically human, proverbial warts and all.
So here goes, 10 things about me that you will likely regret reading:
- I make my bed everyday but Sunday (my idea of letting up on being uber anal). I cannot function if the bed is unmade. Seriously, it is paralyzing.
- I never had wingback Wanda hair but I did have purple hair and a Josie and the Pussycats stripe in high school.
- I once bowled a 3. In ten frames. I was not drunk, blindfolded, or in diapers. Just an extraordinarily shitty bowler.
- I had bunion surgery. It was worse than childbirth (my sons' births, not my own, of which I know nothing about).
- I once had over 200 pairs of shoes that I kept labeled in boxes, organized by season and color. Clearly that was before I had children.
- I talk with more moxie than I really have. I actually lack confidence and compensate for it with sass.
- I can put my whole fist in my mouth. It's proven to be a fantastic bar trick over the years.
- I was married once before I met Mac Daddy. I was young. It was horrible. I tried to call off the engagement but didn't have the guts to do so. See # 6.
- I like limburger cheese. I lived in Deutschland and ate the real deal. I'm telling you, it's good stuff.
- I cannot ride a bike. This is not a joke.
So here are the fine folks I'd like to tag, all with an excellent voice, all with a story to share:
Julie Pippert: Using My Words
Dad's House
The McMommy Chronicles
Wat da Wat?
Emancipation of a Drama Queen
Magpie Musing
Okay, Fine, Dammit