
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blogher Packing Tips

I'm getting on a plane in 2 days to head to Chicago. My Blogher hymen will be popped at last. Blogher virgin no more! I haven't been on a plane without children in 6 years. No kids to entertain, bottoms to wipe in a cramped airplane bathroom, and juice boxes to smuggle, or fights to mediate. Since I didn't succumb to buying a Kindle, I'll be reading books and trashy magazines. Don't judge me if you're sitting next to me. I'll totally bust you for peeking over the spine of Us Weekly and People.

I am generally a great packer. I went to India for a week with a carry on bag once.

Here are my packing tips:

Don't pack underwear you have not worn yet. They might look pretty but make you pull out wedgies all day long. No one's gonna shake your hand if they see you with your hand up your crack.

Don't bother with shampoo and soap. Of course I don't mean don't bother using them; I mean don't pack them. The stuff at the hotel will be just fine. It's not the Motel 6, people.

Pack a cardigan. And throw in a jean jacket or just wear it on the plane. That goes with absolutely anything. But spare us the acid washed look.

Accessories are a girl's best friend. No one will notice you're wearing the same dress 2 nights in a row if you swap out your jewelry. A chunky necklace or fabulous dangly earrings will rock any outfit.

Shoes. Remember that looks and comfort are not mutually exclusive. You'll likely see me in the same black patent leather wedge sandals all weekend, night or day. Bring cute shoes that go with everything. Black sandals are the chameleon of the shoe world.

Bring a plastic grocery bag. I know, I know. You bring your own hemp bags to the store so you don't have any. I actually leave my bags at home sometimes because once in a while I need a plastic sack. If I have clean stuff at the end of the trip, I don't want it co-mingling with the dirties.

Lash Exact. Best. Mascara. Ever. You will need something to make you look awake. This magical mascara in the purple tube does the trick. And it's like 5 bucks at the drug store.

Aspirin, Tylenol, ibuprofen. Pick your poison. Vitamin B doesn't hurt either. Oh, and Tums. You'll likely be hurting so pack some relief.

Leave the linen at home.

Rollable fabrics are key. Jersey is my best friend.

Everyone will be wearing a little black dress. I too have the standard issue LBD ready to go. But we all need a piece de resistance. Mine is orange.

Don't pack outfits. Pack Garanimal style. Mix and match. All your tops should theoretically match all your bottoms.

Dresses are the most versatile thing in a summer suitcase. And the swingy shifts I wear don't require sucking in my stomach.

Lastly, bring pajamas! Your roommate doesn't really want you to make yourself at home and sleep in your birthday suit.

So what'd I miss? Anyone else have packing tips?

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Tenakim said...

such good tips- can't wait to meet you!

Mary said...

Okay, I almost spewed my coffee at pack Garanimal style! Love these tips, and I will use them if I ever lose my BlogHer virginity. Thanks!

Kim Tracy Prince said...

Thank you, and why the hell am I awake? It's 6am, PST. And I went to bed at 1am. Grr. Totally irrelevant, unless I can use fatigue as an excuse for not matching.

Jennifer Q Smith said...

I used to travel, now & then, with my Really-Big-Deal-Aunt. She gave Big-Deal-Lectures all over the world and she would only take a carry-on, so I only took a carry-on. Its really the only way to travel.

Loved your luggage advice!

Jennifer Q Smith
on twitter: @AvantGarb

Ree said...

You did good! And MommyTime thanks you for the pajama reminder. ;-)

Marty, a.k.a. canape said...

My tip: leave room for swag. Or pack an empty bag in your bag. You'll need it!

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous of you getting to go!!!

We pack the same--right down to the plastic bag for dirty clothes. I once spent a summer in Egypt with only one duffel bag and 5 outfits. Easy enough to get used to the bare necessities.

Expat mum said...

Oh no - you're one of them. Worrying about what to wear! Now I am thinking I should be thinking about it, but I've just commented on my own blog that I may just wear my Union Jack flag as a sarong!
Will look out for you! I'm in the bar, I mean the Lobby thing.