
Saturday, May 17, 2008

Tracks of Dirt and Noise

Hey, check out my mix tape! I know the fact that "mix tape" is in my vernacular ages me. I'm OK with that. I used to have one of those hand held tape recorders with the little square speaker on top and a retractable handle. That was way before the days of the Walkman, much less the iPod that I'm rockin' out to as we virtually speak. And did I mention that I'm really OK with being on the cusp of 40? Really, I am.

Here are a few melodies that comprise our theme music at Chez Dirt & Noise.

Thanks to Cara at Working Moms Against Guilt for pointing out this fun site. You too can make your own mix tapes at Mixwit.
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Anonymous said...

I loved the mix tape!! And yes I too remember back in the day of tapes. I am not as OLD as you either!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Mixtapes are cool, don't let anybody say they're not ... especially ones that mix in Quiet Riot ...

Check out the song "Mixtape" by Butch Walker, you'll love it.