Thursday, August 14, 2008

Turning 40 First

My husband, the amazing Mac Daddy, turns 40 today. That's the BIG 4-0. He is sleeping next to me bidding farewell to his 30s as I write this. Mac Daddy is not one who likes his birthday, not because he is wary of aging. He simply does not care. Perhaps because he is the youngest of six children so his birthday was often overlooked as a kid. Perhaps because he subliminally fears getting old and is actually battling vanity. Who knows.

Let me tell you a little story. When Mac Daddy and I were co-workers and just friends (really, I used to set him up with my girlfriends!), we passed each other by our mail boxes at the office one morning. I knew it was his birthday because the big ass white board sign by the elevator told me so. When I saw Mac Daddy I commented, "So, big day today, huh?" To which Mac Daddy replied as he ran his fingers through his hair, "Yup, got my hair cut."

I am one who loves her birthday. The caps lock key is not strong enough to express just how much I love my birthday. I cannot imagine being as blase as Mac Daddy. I like to make a big deal out of everyone's day that marks their entry to our planet. Today warrants special attention; Mac Daddy is ringing in 40!

Here's what I need to make his day extra special. Please leave a comment wishing Mac Daddy a Happy Birthday. Pass it on to your friends. This is a non-discriminatory party to which everyone is invited. Mac Daddy is a level-headed liberal so Republicans can even stop by. Even though he won't admit it, I know he will be tickled by the comments. If you've been lurking in the past, now is your optimal time to comment. Mac Daddy thanks you...while blushing, of course.

Now I'd like to share 40 reasons why I love Mac Daddy. Though there are a zillion more, I'm sticking to 40 to commemorate every year of his life.
  1. He looks extraordinarily sexy in boxers.
  2. He is a hands on dad who makes my heart melt when he plays superheroes with Bird and Deal.
  3. His eyes. They are sometimes blue, sometimes steely gray.
  4. His dry sense of humor kills me...even if I don't get the joke til days later.
  5. He is wicked smart.
  6. He was a trooper about getting his brows waxed to be more of a chick magnet back in the day when I was setting him up with my friends.
  7. He likes to shop. Spend money even.
  8. He loves his mother and talks about her often.
  9. He's close to his sisters (all 4 of them).
  10. They way he sleeps with one leg hanging out of the covers, regardless the season.
  11. His open mindedness, despite growing up in Small Town, America.
  12. His only vice is fantasy football.
  13. He grills a mean steak. Sometimes he even stuffs it with blue cheese.
  14. He lets me have the last piece of coconut cake.
  15. His gentle disposition that is just like Deal's.
  16. He once spent a lot of dough to me buy me a handmade hat at an art fair just because he thought looked good on me. That was 12 years ago. I still have and wear that hat.
  17. He took a week of vacation to care for me when I had breast reduction surgery. That's more than what my family did, and Mac Daddy and I were just dating at the time.
  18. He's rain man. The man knows numbers.
  19. He's just as hot in tennis whites as black tie formal.
  20. His Wisconsin accent on certain words like "warm" and "dragon." Of course he says the two together often, with all the heat generated by fire breathing dragons and all.
  21. He dances. No drinking required. Oh, and he dances well.
  22. He wanted to leave Spamalot at intermission without me asking.
  23. His affection for Bird and Deal is the stuff of tears and melted hearts.
  24. He bakes. Intricate recipes and all.
  25. He loves my family, despite the wackiness.
  26. He gives me more closet space (because he and his buddy Ray claimed our closet space was adequate in the design of our newly renovated house...last time I trust men to gauge my closet space!).
  27. He prefers old houses and things with a story.
  28. He is our family cheer leader.
  29. No complaints, even when my experimental pumpkin risotto sucks.
  30. He does not claim he's babysitting when he's watching the kids and abhors men who do so.
  31. At 6'2, Mac Daddy is a gentle giant.
  32. He looks fab in plain front khakis.
  33. I would be remiss in omitting his manly actions, but my parents read this blog so I'll keep it clean.
  34. His wit. Sharp. Funny. Disarming.
  35. Money is not everything to Mac Daddy; he's a man of deeper values.
  36. He is not embarrassed when I sing into a hairbrush microphone and dance maniacally to Video Killed the Radio Star. Even if the shades are open. In fact, he'll join me.
  37. He taught Bird to ride a bike without training wheels and didn't lose his patience or get and edge in his voice one single time.
  38. He has no tolerance for people, men especially, who take their families for granted.
  39. He's simple, humble, authentic. No airs about this guy.
  40. He's home to have dinner as a family every single night. We are his everything, as he is ours.

HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY TO MAC DADDY! Don't forget to leave a comment wishing him a happy birthday too!
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The Cube Monkey said...

Sounds like a hell-uv-a guy Ilina.
Happy Birthday MacDaddy! And many many more to come! =)

Anonymous said...

We love him as much as you do! Happy Birthday, Mac Daddy!! CS

Anonymous said...

It is truly a wonderful and amazing thing when one person so clearly sees into someone else, and love them all the more. It sounds like you two are very blessed, and that is something to celebrate, and not just because its your birthday.

All the best....

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Happy 40th!

Anonymous said...

Happy 40th Macdaddy! My theory is the real stuff of a person is reflected in the amount of love they are given on a day like today. And from what that wifey of yours has to say, you seem to be something amazing to be reckoned with. "Happy birthday to you, may you get plastered, you baa- d boy. Happy brithday to you." (My cousins used to sing that to me when I was a kid, thought I'd share.)

Anonymous said...

Oh Todd - the happiest of birthday's to you. As a friend from Todd & Ilina's MN days, I'll have to say the stars must have aligned perfectly the day you were born because you are one exceptional guy! I've enjoyed many, many laughs and lovable moments with you Todd and wish I could be there to share a celebratory cheer with you. I smile at the thought of all the fun times we all had.

Here's to many more Todd! Cath

April said...

Wow, now that is some Bday wishes..we can all hope to be praised, loved and appreciated that much. Happy Happy


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Todd! Enjoy your very fancy feast this evening and many, many happy returns.

The Over-Thinker said...

HAPPY 40th, MD!!

I love the numbered list!

Shannon said...

Happy 40th to my birthday buddy! I will miss celebrating with you!


Mayberry said...

Happy 40th, Mac Daddy!

(from a transplant to your home state)

Anonymous said...

From: Big Daddy
To: Mac Daddy

Happy birthday to a man secure in his masculinity. So much so, it's okay for you to celebrate 40 along with your pals. That means cake 'n ice cream at the party, right llama ;)?

Maybe even a pinata ... ?

Big Daddy Mize

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Todd!! You are a great guy. Thanks for the hook-up with my current McDonald's position....or should I shoot you because you did hook me up. You da man. Don't upset when I kick your 40 yr. old ass in tennis this weekend. HA HA!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday McDaddy!!!
You should take time to enjoy your birthday because I just read this:
"Birthdays are good for you, statistics show the people who have the most live longest”
Hope you have a great b-day and enjoy the poo-poo platter at Fearrington!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday MacDaddy! I hope the next 40 years are amazing!

CroutonBoy said...

That was such a gooey, lovey-dovery post I threw up in my mouth a little. Fortunately, I like the guy, too. Does he still mention how he learned to kiss from his priest?

Happy Birthday, big guy! I'd have never thought anyone living with Sparky could make it to 40, so we may need to extract some DNA for cloning a hearty breed of supermen after the apocalypse.

And in celebration, here's a special CroutonBoy-approved 1968 mix:

Angel said...

Well, shit, after that list I want to marry that man! Jeebus!!!!

Happy Birthday to the perfect man! You should hold classes on how to be a husband and a father. You could strike it rich and singlehandedly make the world a better place.

Oh and you should be cloned.

Happy 40th!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Todd. Excited to celebrate the double birthday with you guys minus the marbletinis this time. Jess

RDLamb said...

Happy Birthday, Todd! All the best for what sounds like one of the best guys around.


Anonymous said...

Have an awesome day, Todd! Happy 40th! Hopefully, one day I'll get to taste those signature blue cheese steaks! Tonya

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Uncle Todd!! We must be related becuase I too do numeral 10. Enjoy your day and many more.
Love, Nic

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday MacDaddy!! My husband is very blessed to have had you for a friend for almost 40 years!!!!

Jon Opsal said...

Ahhh. Happy 40th my man. Having been friends with Todd since the MN days, I have fond memories. I can still remember him sharing his first pick up line with Ilina. It was something to the effect of "You remind me of a tuna melt, you're hot and you smell like fish". In retrospect, it doesn't seem so romantic. I believe his fall back pick up line was "are those space pants you're wearing because your ass is out of this world". Todd is always prepared.

They say behind every successful man is a surprised woman. Todd, you are successful in many ways, enjoy your day and have a drink for Big O!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday "MacDaddy"!!
love, Julia and Chris

Anonymous said...

I know we are late in wishing a happy Bday but we wish Mac Daddy a Happy 40th!!

Chris & Nicole Hardy

San Diego Momma said...

I missed this yesterday. BUT, I hope the day was great. I love me (platonically of course) a Wisconsinite!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Todd! Even though I just met you, I feel like I know you and Ilina through Dan... and anyone who merits a list like that deserves many well wishes!
Lynne & Dan G.